Press Resources



The Press & Industry Screening Schedule displays in-person public screenings, P&I screenings, and online screenings in a downloadable, sortable view. Download a copy or use a temporary filter view to sort based on your own criteria. (As in past years, there are likely to be additions to the program announced closer to the Festival dates. Additions will be highlighted on this schedule as they become available.)

In-person P&I screenings run Thursday, January 23 through Thursday, January 30 at the Holiday Village Cinemas in Park City (1776 Park Ave). 

For access to online P&I screenings, please refer to the How To Fest guide for your press credential, since access differs depending on credential type.

  • All films in competition sections (US Dramatic, US Documentary, World Cinema Dramatic, World Cinema Documentary, and NEXT) will have at least one P&I screening. 
    • Films from other programs (Premieres, Midnight, Spotlight, Special Screenings, Family Matinee, and Episodic) will be included in the P&I screening schedule when possible.
    • Short Film Programs do not have in-person P&I screenings.
  • Most P&I screenings will not precede a film’s in-person public premiere. 
  • Most P&I screenings will follow within 24 hours of the film’s in-person premiere. 
  • P&I screenings do not include programmer introductions, filmmaker Q&As, or audience award voting.